Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot!

Oh, boy. This has been quite a bad month, running wise. I have been sick sick sick. The morning of the Phoenix 10k, I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting winded. So I stayed home. And then I relapsed!

So I finally ran today after 3 weeks off.

I did the Anthem Turkey Trot this morning, a 5k. I walked the first mile and ran the last 2. I felt pretty good, but I would say that I've still got some residual sickness going on.

Well, that is all. I'm going to try to get back to 3-4 times a week this week, and go back to yoga as well. I've basically done nothing for 21 days. Time to get back on the horse!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Monday 11/3: 2 mile run (bridle path), 1 hour yoga
Tuesday 11/4: election party, no workout
Wednesday 11/5: worked late, no workout
Thursday 11/6: 3 mile run, bridle path

Running this evening was absolutely refreshing. The temp was a perfect 70 degrees. I had a nice 3 mile run and then went and got a pedicure right after. That was fantastic!

Looking forward to the Phoenix 10k this weekend! I'll swing by Runner's Den tomorrow to pick up my packet.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I can't believe that I hit my goal of 5 workouts in 7 days last week. They weren't strenuous workouts by any means but I really have been struggling to do more than 4 per week for a couple of months now.

October mileage totals are very low, thanks to my little 12 day hiatus and a laziness hiccup earlier in the month. However, here's to a much more productive November!

Thursday 10/30: no workout
Friday 10/31: 3 mile treadmill

October total: 30.3 miles

Saturday 11/1: 3 mile treadmill

Weekly total: 14 miles

Sunday 11/2: 5 mile bridle path

Phoenix 10k is one week from today.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So I hit a minor detour in my training. I was slated to do the Bisbee Stair Climb on 10/17. The night before the Stair Climb, I became violently ill and could not keep anything down for 36 hours. I spent the weekend in my hotel room barfing my guts out. I guess I got food poisoning, but I don't know for sure.

The incident knocked me out for 12 days. The week after I got sick I was pretty weak so I didn't run. However, I'm back on track and have done 3 workouts in 4 days. So I can still do the Phoenix 10k but I'll just be very slow!

Sun 10/26: 3 mile jog (bridle path)
Monday 10/27: 2 mile jog (bridle path) and 1 hour yoga
Tuesday 10/28: no workout
Wednesday 10/29: 3 mile jog (treadmill)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I've done something active every day this week! Eating is okay, but having a Starbucks in the library where I work is something I need to avoid. The pumpkin spice latte is back for the fall! And it is so delicious! Especially with a chocolate chip cookie. Gotta stop that. I only did it once, I swear!

monday 10/13: 1 hour yoga (learned new poses that really help my IT bands and hips)
tuesday 10/14: 3 mile run, treadmill

Sunday, October 12, 2008

oy vey

So no workouts Wednesday-Saturday. Eating was a little bit better, but not much. I really need a kick in the pants. Today I did 5.3 miles. About 1 mile of it was running and the rest was walking because I ran into a friend of mine on the bridle path. She was out walking so I joined her and we had a nice chat while enjoying the fall weather.

Wed. 10/8: off
Thurs. 10/9:off
Fri. 10/10: off
Sat. 10/11: off

Mileage for the week: 8

Sun. 10/12: 5.3 miles, walk/run combo.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I ran Monday and Tuesday, and took yesterday and today off. I got a massage today and had the therapist focus on my lower extremities and I feel a lot better. The soreness including shin splints have subsided! I hope to be able to run tomorrow and Saturday as well.

Tuesday 10/7: 3 miles
Wednesday 10/8: off
Thursday 10/: off

Monday, October 6, 2008

Onward and Upward

Despite not wanting to run today I got on the treadmill and did it. I ran 3 miles in 39 minutes, and that is including a 4 minute walking warmup.

After the run I went to yoga.

Since my brisk walk yesterday I have some shin pain and pain on dorsiflexion- some overuse pain. So I have been icing and took some tylenol.

I hope the pain subsides a bit because I have one more run scheduled for tomorrow before my rest day on Wednesday. It's not injury pain, just some muscle soreness that goes away for the most part when I move around. It's the sitting around that exacerbates the issue!

Monday 10/6: 3 miles, 1 hour yoga

Sunday, October 5, 2008

a wash

Last week was a wash. I can't believe how quickly I can go downhill. No workouts Tues-Sat. and a bad week of eating things that are not good for me. The only ting I can do is move forward, however, so I briskly walked 5 miles today.

I hope that my resolve will be stronger this week. I only have one evening away from home this week so hopefully it will be easy for me to get back on track.

Tues 9/30- no workout
Wed 10/1- no workout
Thurs 10/2- no workout
Fri 10/3- no workout
Sat 10/4- no workout

Mileage for the week was 8.7 miles.

Sun 10/5- 5 miles brisk walking outside, 1 hour 21 minutes.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

les runs

I ran yesterday- 2.5 miles, and did a one hour yoga class. Tonight was an impromptu day off because I went out to dinner.

September total: 51.4 miles

At least I broke 50 miles! Compared to last month's 40.85 that is a good increase. Not too much but enough to continue fitness.

I am doing the Congo Run for Women 10k this Sunday and on 10/18 I'm headed down to Bisbee for the Bisbee 1000 stair climb. It's a 5k through town on some of the historic stairs. Looks like fun!

Mon 9/29: 2.5 miles, 1 hour yoga
Tues 9/30: no workout

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I just did 10k on the treadmill. It wasn't difficult until the last half mile or so. I took walk breaks every 6 minutes and halfway through I stopped to go to the bathroom. My total time was 81 minutes. Afterwards I stretched out well and took a shower.

Even though i've been lamenting about my inability to run 5 days per week, I tallied up my miles for September and I've done 48.9 miles with 2 more days to go. I anticipate that I'll finish September with 53.6 miles. I ran 40.85 in August so this is a decent (and manageable) increase. I don't think I want to go more than 60 miles in October. Slow mile buildup is the key to not getting injured!

Speaking of injuries, yesterday my foot felt like a dead fish flopping in my shoe for about the last half mile of that 5k. Today on the treadmill, I had a couple of twinges but nothing that was debilitating. I hate to do the majority of my miles on the treadmill but the surface really seems to be forgiving on my foot. And at least I'm able to run somewhere!

Sun 9/28: 6.2 miles

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I ended up with 13.6 miles this week. No workouts Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. This morning I did the Moon Valley Grasshopper Bridge 5k. I didn't race it at all, just a nice leisurely 5k since I have been doing all of my running on the treadmill. I jogged the first 2 miles without stopping to walk and then I walked at the mile 2 water stop and then on the part on the soccer field. I don't like running on grass at all. I couldn't feel my foot for the last half mile or so.

I'm doing okay but I would really like to try to run 5 times per week. I can't seem to do more than 4 days per week.

Wed 9/24: no workout
Thu 9/25: no workout
Fri 9/26: no workout
Sat 9/27: 5k race

Edited to add: Results are finally posted and I came in at 44:12. Like I said, I didn't have any particular goals for this race, just get out there and have fun. I know I could have pushed harder, but why risk injury?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

a las corridas

I did 3 miles tonight. It was hell, pure hell. Actually, it wasn't that bad, I had energy, foot didn't hurt too much, didn't cramp and even sprinted the last tenth of a mile. Well, sprinted is using the term loosely, but it was a sprint for me!

It is always a battle of will and motivation for me. I have such a tendency towards inertia that getting on that treadmill or going to that bridle path for a run is so hard sometimes. But I know if I force myself to start and push through the dread and the discomfort and pain that the outcome is completely worth it.

Monday 9/22: 3 miles
Tuesday 9/23: 3 miles

I'm on track for 16.5-19.5 for the week.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I did a little more than 4.5 miles today plus a 90 minute dance class. Toward the end of the run I had nothing in the tank. I wanted to do 5 miles but had to go to class. 4.5 is good enough for today!

Sunday 9/21: 4.5 mile run, 90 minute dance class

Saturday, September 20, 2008


No running Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, but I did 5 miles today.

Wed 9/17: no workout
Thurs 9/18: no workout
Fri: 9/19: no workout
Sat 9/20: 5 miles treadmill

THat brings me to 13.5 miles for the week. I really should have done another run this week, but it didn't happen so oh well.

Tomorrow's plan is a higher mileage run (5-6.2) plus 90 minute dance class and the usual Sunday chores.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

more running!

So I have kept up on the running this week- on schedule and on target. However, no yoga this week. I taught late on Monday and have to teach late tomorrow night too so I can't make the class.

Monday 9/15: 3 miles
Tuesday 9/16: 3 miles

The plan for the rest of the week is Wednesday rest, Thursday 5 miles, Friday rest, Saturday 6.2 miles. That will put me at 19.7 for the week.

I think I am making a goal of 20 miles or thereabouts per week. And, it is getting easier! Not nearly as painful as 2 months ago.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I didn't run Thursday or Friday, which means I only did 4 days of running this week. However I made up for the mileage on Saturday with 10k (6.2 miles).

Today I did all my chores and managed to run 2.5 miles and go to dance class. I swept and mopped the floor, cleaned the cat box, took out the trash, scrubbed the outside trash can, went grocery shopping, made dinner, and have finished 3 of 5 loads of laundry. Damn!

Thursday 9/11: no workout
Friday 9/12: no workout
Saturday 9/13: 6.2 miles

Mileage total for the week was 17.2 miles.

Sunday 9/14: 2.5 miles, 90 minute dance class

I think I'll bump a couple of my 3 mile runs up to 5 this week and do a 6.2 mile long run again on Saturday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

good stuff

Last night I did my requisite 3 miles on the treadmill. I've clocked 11 miles this week and am still on track for 17. I also went to yoga. The class was so crowded it was hard for me to concentrate. But our new room will be renovated on Monday so I am looking forward to spreading out and being able to move without being inhibited.

My neuroma bothered me on last night's run. It was pretty painful. This morning when I woke up when I took my first step it twinged as well. I don't know how long I can go without seeing the doc. I know that I have to have surgery, but I'm just getting my fitness back! Surgery would cost me 6 weeks. Tonight, another 3 miles on the treadmill.

Wed 9/10: 3 miles, 1 hour yoga

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I got home at 6 and immediately got on the treadmill. 3 miles, did not stop. I started with .25 miles walk as a warmup, which takes about 4 minutes. Then I ran 1 mile without stopping! I can't remember the last time I did that. I took 4 walk breaks total, and finished a bit under 39 minutes. This is a vast improvement.

Monday 9/8- no workout
Tuesday 9/9- 3 miles running, treadmill

Tomorrow I get to go back to yoga.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Well, this week was a wash. I only worked out on Sunday and Monday last week, Working late Tuesday and Thursday, and basketball games Wednesday and Friday night really messed up my routine. As in no workouts. Saturday I just laid around, didn't get out of my pajamas and took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and a 1 hour nap after dinner. And I didn't get up until 10:30 today! That kind of schedule makes me really tired, I guess. But what can you do except get back on the horse and move forward?


Tues 9/2- no workout
Wed 9/3-no workout
Thurs 9/4- no workout
Friday 9/5- no workout
Sat 9/6- no workout
Sunday 9/7- 5 miles treadmill

I only work late one night next week, tomorrow (Monday). I finally get back to yoga on Wednesday after 2 weeks of missing classes. Running goal for this week is 15 miles/5 days.

This week's plan is to run Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Sat. There is a 5k I would like to do on Saturday morning.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Saturday 8/30- no workout
Sunday 8/31- 3 miles
Monday 9/1- 3 miles

Mileage total for last week was 12.35, I'd like to do 15 this week. I have a couple of evening classes to teach but hopefully I can get the students out by 7:30 or 8 at the latest. No yoga this week either. Today's class was cancelled for Labor Day and I have a basketball game on Wednesday night. I also stubbed the hell out of my left little toe tonight. It's still sore but I was able to run on it.

MIleage for August- 40.85

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Woot! I ran my first 5k since forever last night. It was out in Higley, 45 miles from my house, and it was a night run to support the local high school cross country team. I ran almost the entire course, walking at the water stops and when we had to run on a soccer field. I'm more of a road or dirt trail runner. It took me 45 minutes, but I did it! My neuroma really acted up at mile 2 though.

Monday 8/25- 1.5 miles, 1 hour yoga
Tuesday 8/26- no workout
Wednesday 8/27- 2.5 miles, 1 hour yoga
Thursday 8/28- no workout
Friday 8/29- 3.1 miles race

I'l be running today as well.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I went to dance class and then came home for a 3.25 treadmill workout while my muscles were still warm. I walked .25 to warm up, ran 1.75, walked .5, ran .5, then walked .25 to cool down.

Sunday (8/24)- 90 minute dance class, 3.25 mile treadmill (1 mile walking, 2.25 mile running)

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Kenya is the gold and silver country in the men's marathon.. USA came in at a respectable 9th and 10th place!

I did 5k on the treadmill while watching the marathon. It was pretty crazy that 5k took me 39 minutes. When I finished my run the marathoners were 1:17 into the race and were at about mile 16. I can only do 5.5-6 miles in 1:17!

I am proud of myself that I did 5 workouts this week, including 4 days of cardio. I am getting much more consistent. It's a good thing, because I bought new clothes today and discovered I went up a pants size. We know what the remedy for that is. More workouts, less food!

Friday 8/22- no workout
Saturday 8/23- 3 mile treadmill run

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Les Workouts

BMX Supercross is an olympic sport now? WTF


Monday 8/18- 1 hour yoga
Tuesday 8/19- 3 mile treadmill run
Wednesday 8/20- 1.5 mile treadmill run, 1 hour yoga
Thursday 8/21- no workout

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Monday (8/11) 3 mile treadmill run, 1 hour yoga
Tuesday (8/12) no workout
Wednesday (8/13) 3 mile treadmill run, 1 hour yoga
Thursday (8/14) no workout
Friday (8/15) no workout
Saturday (8/16) no workout
Sunday (8/17) 3 mile treadmill run

I have noticed a marked increase in my endurance on the treadmill. I can run faster and longer. When I started using the treadmill a few weeks ago, I felt like I was pushing it very hard at 4.7 mph and I couldn't go more than 5 minutes before walking. Today I did 10 minutes at 5 mph before walking. Pretty soon I'll be back up to a mile.

My eating was good the first half of the week, but it went downhill on Thursday when I got taken out to dinner at Outback steakhouse. Then I went out to lunch with colleagues for Thai on Friday, and had Streets of New York on Friday Night. On Saturday we ordered pizza and I totally pigged out. I have not eaten anything so far today!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

More workouts

Friday (8/8) no workout
Saturday (8/9) no workout
Sunday (8/10) 3 mile jog, 90 minute dance class

I was able to increase my speed and endurance today on the treadmill. I've been jogging at 4.7 mph and got my speed up to 5 mph during the jogging portions. I'm still taking 90 second walk breaks every 5 -6 minutes. I want to extend the jog portions to 10 minutes by the end of the month. One thing is for sure- the hard workouts are getting less painful!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Monday (8/4) 4 mile treadmill, 1 hour yoga
Tuesday (8/5) no workout
Wednesday (8/6) 1 hour yoga
Thursday (8/7) 4 mile treadmill

I am toying with the idea of doing Summer Series 5 on Sunday. It's at South Mountain and I have run the 5k course several times. The only thing stopping me, really, is the 6:30am gun time. Too early! But it would be good to do a race. i haven't raced since Turkey Trot in November.

Monday, August 4, 2008

4 miles

I worked up to 4 miles on the treadmill today. I'm not very fast but at least I'm putting one foot in front of the other!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Sunday (7/27) no workout
Monday (7/28) 2 mile treadmill jog, 1 hour yoga
Tuesday (7/29) no workout
Wednesday (7/30) 3 mile treadmill jog, 1 hour yoga (restorative)
Thursday (7/31) no workout
Friday (8/1) no workout
Saturday (8/2) no workout
Sunday (8/3) 3 mile treadmill jog, new shoes

Need to work on consistency! Too many off days. Ballet class is over so I will probably focus on more jogging.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

exercise for the week 7/21-7/26

7/22 (Tuesday) 90 minute ballet class
7/23 (Wednesday) Went out for Mexican!, 2 mile treadmill walk
7/24 (Thursday) 60 minute ballet class
7/25 (Friday) no workout
7/26 (Saturday) 3 hour dance workshop

My neuroma has been bothering me considerably. I think I'm going to have to have the surgery. Calling the foot doc on Monday.

Monday, July 21, 2008


I got a treadmill from a friend at work on Saturday. It is near-gym quality and she gave it to me on long term loan. I took it for a spin today, just a mile because I had to go to yoga. It is nice to run without dealing with the heat, but I can't say that I enjoy treadmill running. I feel like a hamster in a hamster wheel. Plus where I have it in my condo I can't see the TV, just the wall in front of me. It's not super mobile (it does have front wheels) and currently on a heavy mat which makes it harder to move. So we might take the mat out from under it so I can swing it around to see the TV or I will just have to download some podcasts to listen to or something, because staring at a wall really sucks.

Exercise log:

Monday (7/14) yoga, 1 mile jog
(7/15) Tuesday- no workout, basketball game
(7/16) Wednesday- no workout, neck spasms
(7/17) Thursday-no workout, basketball game
(7/18) Friday-no workout
(7/19) Saturday- no workout, basketball game
(7/20) Sunday- 90 minute dance class
(7/21) Today- 1 mile treadmill jog, yoga

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wardrobe malfunction

Don't run with leggings with a hole in the inner thigh.

Sunday- dance
Today- yoga, 1 mile jog

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I've been on vacation since July 3 and have used the time to step up my exercise game. I actually started prior to my vacation while I was in Anaheim for a convention. While there, I took advantage of my hotel's fitness center. They had a killer spinning class and I took two while I was there. I also used the weights, elliptical, and took their yoga/stretch class.

When I got back from Anaheim I continued my exercise regime. Since June I have been taking ballet twice per week and yoga twice per week. This week I added some jogging and walking to the mix, either before or after my classes. Belly dance is on Sundays for 90 minutes.

I'm hoping to do more jogging. I started slowly and did .5 mile jog the first day (3 miles total with walking), 1 mile (2 with walking) 1.5 mile (2 with walking), and tonight 2.5 mile (3 with walking). The first day was torture. I felt like I was jogging through molasses. But by this evening it has become so much easier. Slow, but easier. It's amazing how your body bounces back with regular conditioning.

I think the stretching/toning elements of the dance and yoga is a good counterbalance to the jogging. I definitely want to do a race again in the near future (last one was Turkey Trot and I jogged 2 miles of the 5k).

I've also noticed that my eating has gotten better. I'm not craving the fast food like I have been in the past few months. I suppose that my body is enjoying the seratonin produced from the exercise rather than wanting it from food. All good developments.

I'll try to update here more often so I can have a record of my progress. I'm not ready to start clocking miles yet or doing weigh ins but I'll probably start soon.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 months

I can't believe it's been two months since I updated.

So here are the basics. My lower GI problems have subsided. I went to a gastroenterologist but was already feeling better by the time I got in to see him. He diagnosed me with an acute infection or virus- most likely rotavirus, which resolved itself in 12 weeks. So I am feeling much better in the gut department.

I have to say that even though I am taking my dance classes and taking yoga twice a week, my fitness has definitely taken a back seat to other things in my life. And I don't feel very good, so go figure! I also have continued my nasty habit of late night snacking and poor food choices. I am paying the consequence with weight gain.

During the 3 years that I was running was the only time in my life where I had control over my weight. It was the vigorous cardiovascular workout that helped me to keep my weight down. I'm going to try again, and just do fast walking instead of running. That, combined with the yoga and dance classes might get me out of this very long down cycle and back up to where I need to be.

I am walking today, and for the summer I am doing yoga Monday and Wednesday, ballet Tuesday and Thursday, and Sunday is belly dance class.

I'll also try to keep up my walking regime. I just need to get off my ass and do it.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yeah, that lasted.

Okay, so the whole shake, bar thing lasted four whole days.

Now I am starting something new for fitness to add on to treadmill and bike and elliptical- belly dancing! IT's fun!

I'm taking two classes a week. We'll see how it goes. So far I really like it and it's a hell of a workout.

On the health side, I've developed some kind of lower GI issue that has persisted for 9 weeks now. We are doing tests to see what it is. It could be a parasite or bacterial infection, or a gluten sensitivity. We are doing tests to see if any of those are the cause. If they all come back negative, then it is off to the gastroenterologist for a colonoscopy. If nothing shows up then I might have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Hopefully I'll have an answer soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Restart # 54,546,475

So, I restarted- again- on Sunday. I am doing calorie restriction for a bit, and moderate cardio, as well as yoga.

I have four feedings per day, either a shake or a bar, which amount to 820 calories. I use sugary coffee mate in the morning, so round that up to 900. Then I have a dinner. Tonight was a 200 calorie healthy choice meal, followed an hour later by a can of tuna with a touch of olive oil. So I topped out tonight at about 1300. I know that seems low, but I am just doing this for a week or so until I can flush out the evil fast food cravings and night eating that seem to have overcome my life.

As for exercise, I've done 3 days of 45 minutes of cardio- either walking outside, elliptical, bike, or treadmill.

It's so weird how FEWER calories and more energy expended will make you feel better, but I do!