Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 months

I can't believe it's been two months since I updated.

So here are the basics. My lower GI problems have subsided. I went to a gastroenterologist but was already feeling better by the time I got in to see him. He diagnosed me with an acute infection or virus- most likely rotavirus, which resolved itself in 12 weeks. So I am feeling much better in the gut department.

I have to say that even though I am taking my dance classes and taking yoga twice a week, my fitness has definitely taken a back seat to other things in my life. And I don't feel very good, so go figure! I also have continued my nasty habit of late night snacking and poor food choices. I am paying the consequence with weight gain.

During the 3 years that I was running was the only time in my life where I had control over my weight. It was the vigorous cardiovascular workout that helped me to keep my weight down. I'm going to try again, and just do fast walking instead of running. That, combined with the yoga and dance classes might get me out of this very long down cycle and back up to where I need to be.

I am walking today, and for the summer I am doing yoga Monday and Wednesday, ballet Tuesday and Thursday, and Sunday is belly dance class.

I'll also try to keep up my walking regime. I just need to get off my ass and do it.

1 comment:

Phil said...

One step at a time Ann. Just getting off your butt and walking is a great start; plus the dance is a great cardio work out. You're young, no sense of rushing things and getting hurt again. You've got nothing but time.