Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot!

Oh, boy. This has been quite a bad month, running wise. I have been sick sick sick. The morning of the Phoenix 10k, I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting winded. So I stayed home. And then I relapsed!

So I finally ran today after 3 weeks off.

I did the Anthem Turkey Trot this morning, a 5k. I walked the first mile and ran the last 2. I felt pretty good, but I would say that I've still got some residual sickness going on.

Well, that is all. I'm going to try to get back to 3-4 times a week this week, and go back to yoga as well. I've basically done nothing for 21 days. Time to get back on the horse!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Monday 11/3: 2 mile run (bridle path), 1 hour yoga
Tuesday 11/4: election party, no workout
Wednesday 11/5: worked late, no workout
Thursday 11/6: 3 mile run, bridle path

Running this evening was absolutely refreshing. The temp was a perfect 70 degrees. I had a nice 3 mile run and then went and got a pedicure right after. That was fantastic!

Looking forward to the Phoenix 10k this weekend! I'll swing by Runner's Den tomorrow to pick up my packet.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I can't believe that I hit my goal of 5 workouts in 7 days last week. They weren't strenuous workouts by any means but I really have been struggling to do more than 4 per week for a couple of months now.

October mileage totals are very low, thanks to my little 12 day hiatus and a laziness hiccup earlier in the month. However, here's to a much more productive November!

Thursday 10/30: no workout
Friday 10/31: 3 mile treadmill

October total: 30.3 miles

Saturday 11/1: 3 mile treadmill

Weekly total: 14 miles

Sunday 11/2: 5 mile bridle path

Phoenix 10k is one week from today.