Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot!

Oh, boy. This has been quite a bad month, running wise. I have been sick sick sick. The morning of the Phoenix 10k, I couldn't even walk up the stairs without getting winded. So I stayed home. And then I relapsed!

So I finally ran today after 3 weeks off.

I did the Anthem Turkey Trot this morning, a 5k. I walked the first mile and ran the last 2. I felt pretty good, but I would say that I've still got some residual sickness going on.

Well, that is all. I'm going to try to get back to 3-4 times a week this week, and go back to yoga as well. I've basically done nothing for 21 days. Time to get back on the horse!


Greg said...

Keep it up, coming back is always tough, but well worth it. I think I'm next! It's about that time of year.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Glad to hear you were able to do the Turkey Trot.